Transaction Message


Transaction Messages provide a granular insight into the behind-the-scenes activities of the payments ecosystem and correlate with specific card network messages. When a user pays for goods or services on a linked card, Astrada captures the transaction message and sends this to you in real time. This allows you to build customized experiences that engage users at the time of the transaction.

Transaction Message Resource


Field nameRequired/ OptionalDescriptionType
id requiredThe unique identifier of the transaction messagestring
uuid format optionalThe merchant’s card acceptor id as assigned by the acquirer/processorstring
acceptor.acquirerIdoptionalAcquiring Institution Identification Code. Identifies the acquirer (for example, merchant bank) or its agentstring
acceptor.cityoptionalThe acceptor city. This is defined by the acquirer/ processor but may not always be reliable.string
acceptor.countryoptionalThe acceptor countrystring
ISO 3166 format, alpha3
acceptor.mccoptionalThe merchant category code (MCC) provided by the acquirer/ processor. It is used to classify businesses by the types of goods provided or services renderedstring
acceptor.nameoptionalThe acceptor (merchant) namestring
acceptor.stateoptionalThe acceptor state (e.g. New York) if available. This is defined by the acquirer/ processor but may be unreliable.string
approvalCodeoptionalUnique code that authorizes a transaction message, sent by the issuer/the issuer processor on the issuer's behalf when approving itstring
cardIdrequiredThe card identifier used by Astradastring
uuid format
cardholderBillingAmountrequiredThe amount in the currency of the country of issuance, converted from the original purchase currency. The transactionAmount and cardholderBillingAmount values may differ in case of international transactions.number
cardholderBillingCurrencyrequiredThe currency of the country of issuancestring
ISO 4217 format, alpha3
createdDateTimerequiredThe timestamp of when the transaction message object was created in the Astrada system (UTC)string
ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
dateTimerequiredThe timestamp of the transaction message (e.g. authorization, movement of funds, etc) in either UTC or local time zone of the merchant/ acquirer.

We are not always able to provide a dateTime in UTC as this is not available at all sources.

We are unable to provide the timezone. We may provide it in the future should it become available.
ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss/ YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ
messageTyperequiredThe message type is a direct representation of the network messages Astrada receives.

Learn more about Message Types.
networkrequiredThe card network on which the message occurredstring
resultrequiredThe issuer’s decision on whether the transaction message was approved or declinedstring
subaccountIdrequiredThe Astrada Subaccount identifierstring
uuid format
transactionAmountrequiredThe amount of the transaction message in the currency it was charged in. In the case of international transactions, the transactionAmount and cardholderBillingAmount may differ due to being in different currencies.number
transactionCurrencyrequiredThe currency in which the transaction took placestring
ISO 4217 format, alpha3
transactionReferencerequiredTransactionReference: Identification of the transaction that has to be unique for a time period.string
transactionTypeoptionalTypes provide additional information about the transaction message, describing the effect that it had on the customer account and the type of accounts affected.

Learn more about Transaction Types
enum: Types
transmissionDateTimeoptionalThe timestamp of when the transaction message object was received by the data source (i.e. Mastercard or Visa) in UTCstring
ISO 8601 format, YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ

Message Types

Transaction Messages are direct representations of the network messages Astrada receives. Learn more about the transaction life cycle in Home.

All AUTH messages are informational, while FINL indicates money movement. REQU signifies that there is a request and response, while ADVC does not require a response.

Astrada Message Types are based on the ISO 20022 MessageClass1Code and Function16Code.

Message TypeDescription
AUTH_REQUAn authorization request is like asking, "Is this card able to make this transaction?".

This message also contains the issuer's answer to this question - based on a check of available funds and applicable restrictions (see result: APPROVED or DECLINED).

ISO 8583:2003 MTI: x100/x110 (dual message)
AUTH_ADVCThe authorization advice updates the authorized amount before the funds are cleared.

If the authorization amount is positive, it replaces the previously authorized balance. One example of this are gas station transactions, where the initial authorization request is sent before the final amount is known and then adjusted.

If the AUTH_ADVC amount is negative, this means that the original authorization request is being reversed or voided. This happens when a merchant cancels a purchase before the funds are cleared.

ISO 8583:2003 MTI: x120, x400/x410, x420 (dual message)
FINL_REQUA financial request is a one-step authorization and fund movement process that initiates money movement rather than requiring a separate financial message. It contains the issuer's decision to allow or not allow this transaction message to proceed (result: APPROVED or DECLINED).

ISO 8583:2003 MTI: x200/ x210 (single message)
FINL_ADVCA financial advice triggers the movement of funds after an authorization.

If it follows after a FINL_REQU, it adjusts the amount of the financial request. A positive amount replaces the previously authorized and cleared balance.

If the FINL_ADVC is negative, this means that the original financial request is being reversed by the merchant acquirer.

ISO 8583:2003 MTI: x220 and x420 (single message)

Transaction Types

Transaction types provide additional information about the transaction, describing the effect that it had on the customer account and the type of accounts affected.

Transaction TypeDescription
DEBIT_01Goods and service
DEBIT_02Cash (ATM)
CREDIT_01Payment Transaction
INQUIRY_01Available funds inquiry
TRANSFER_01Cardholder accounts transfer
ADMIN_01PIN Unblock
ADMIN_02PIN Change

Webhook event types

Applicable webhook event types:

Event Type NameTriggerContent
transactionmessage.createdWhenever a new Transaction Message is registered in the Astrada systemA complete understanding of the created Transaction Message object

Learn more about Webhooks.