Troubleshooting Guide

In this guide, we cover some known errors when integrating with our SDK and the potential causes for each.


Look at the browser console for potential error logs

Although we provide visibility over certain errors that may happen during the launch of the SDK and enrollment journey through the onError callback, not all errors are reported via this method. Make sure to consult the browser console for potential error logs.

Grey background and SDK isn't launched

The SDK fails to be launched.

Known issues

  • The SDK was launched without having subaccountId configured OR has an invalid subaccountId (must be a UUID).
  • The SDK was launched without having companyName configured.
  • The SDK was launched with an invalid terms object configured. Please ensure that the privacyUrl and termsUrl are URL links.

The Card form has an empty list of countries; Error message "Mastercard Not Supported"

The cardholder is stuck on the card form screen being unable to enroll the card.

Known issues

  • The SDK was launched without configuring the getAccessToken function.
  • On SDK initiation, the getAccessToken function configured returns an invalid token (not a JWT).
  • On SDK initiation, the getAccessToken function configured takes longer than 5 seconds to return a JWT.

Error Screen

The cardholder ended on the error screen with the error message "Something went wrong".

Known issues

  • The getAccessToken is executed every time the current Access Token being used expires. In case this fails returns an invalid token or takes longer than 5 seconds to return, in the middle of the enrollment journey, the cardholder is redirected to the error screen.
  • Attempting to enroll a stolen card. While the user can attempt to enroll the card again, all subsequent attempts will fail (card not supported error).
  • Attempting to enroll a card but not completing the challenge within 1 minute.

What’s Next

For help with user-initiated problems, please proceed to the unhappy paths page.